Natural Treatment for Corns
Naturally Treat Corns using Papaya
Raw papaya is beneficial in treating corns. If you apply the juice of papaya on the affected area it provides relief from the problem. You can apply half teaspoon of papaya juice on the affected area three times a day. This natural treatment for corns is very effective.
Naturally Treat Corns with Castor Oil
Castor oil is the best natural treatment for corns. Apply some drops of castor oil on the affected area with a finger. You can do the same three times a day first in morning, second in noon and last at night before going to bed. It shows slow but effective results.
Treatment for Corns
Treat Corns with Chalk Powder
Chalk powder is good for treating corns. You can take a small piece of chalk and make a paste of it after adding water in it. Apply the paste on the affected area to get rid of problem.
Treat Corns with Ivy Leaves
Take ivy leaves and soak them in vinegar overnight. Now, mix a small piece of bread in vinegar and apply it on the affected area. The treatment for corns provides the magical results to the patient.
Remedy for Corns
Banana Peel and Leaves
Take a banana; now rub the inside of peel of banana on the affected area. This is an easy and affective remedy for corns. You can also put banana leaf and tie it on the affected area. Repeating the process every night before going to bed proves very relaxing.
Take 50g of turmeric and mix 3 tablespoon of olive oil in it. Smear the mixture on the wound to get rid of painful situation of corns. It is an effective herbal remedy for corns.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Soak a cloth in apple cider vinegar and tie it on the affected area for about 24 hour as it is helpful in providing relief.
Home Remedies for Corns
Take some cloves of garlic and cut them in big slices. Put the slices on the corns and tie a bandage over it. Next morning, smear some Dead Sea mud over the wound and again cover with bandage. You can repeat the process until the wound completely gone from skin. It is one of the beneficial home remedies for corns.
Baking Soda
Baking soda can be found easily in every kitchen. Take some water and add baking soda in it. Soak the feet in water for about 15-20 minutes as it is helpful in removing corns from feet. It is one of the best home remedies for corns.
Corns Cure
Cure Corns using Fig
Apply some of the white liquid of fig on the wound or corn to get relax. You can also use the leaf of fig or ficus. Squeeze and apply this on the corns. It is the best cure for corns.
Cure Corns using Lemon Slices
Take a fresh lemon and change it into slices. Now, tie the slices over the affected area for whole night. Remove the slices next morning as it is effective cure for corns.
Corns Diet
A light nutritious diet which contains vitamins and minerals in the form of fruits and vegetables is recommended for the person having corns.
Avoidable Things
Soft corns usually occur between the toes and for that feet should be washed daily. After washing feet a mild talcum powder should be applied over it.