Breaking Down Your Marketing Strategy to a Science
Conversational marketing can play a crucial role in the emotional factor of any potential buyer. A popular belief in the sales and marketing industry is that the most important factor regarding the success and failure of your business rests solely on the best product for the best price. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. When you peel back the layers and truly analyze the customer experience, the most significant factor of any brand or campaign rests on delivering the best service.
Serving a customer, or potential customer, begins with the initial contact and the first experience a consumer has with a particular brand. From the start, it’s important to make each prospective buyer feel valued and acknowledged. Text marketing and omnichannel messaging can act as important building blocks when laying the foundation of the ultimate consumer journey.
Using SMS Campaigns To Leverage the Power of Personalization
Generic pay-per-click (aka PPC) and display advertising can all too easily cause ad blindness, ultimately rendering them ineffective and giving them a life span of only a few short weeks at best. The most powerful element of SMS campaigns and text marketing is the fact that these marketing channels have an infinite life span, giving them unprecedented value in terms of return on investment.
Brands like Mitto that offer omnichannel messaging options allow business owners to utilize text marketing to speak to a consumer’s emotions. Using their names and other data to personalize your campaign strategy offers you a simple way to narrow your voice and speak directly to each individual consumer. At this point, the client is no longer being hammered with advertisements; they’re simply being engaged in conversation.
These powerful strategies also give you a fresh way to frame your social proof and credibility.
Social Proof and Trust-Building
It’s second nature for a consumer to go directly to other consumers for help when making decisions. If they’ve found that their peers are satisfied with a product, the chances of converting them increase exponentially.
Omnichannel messaging gives you multiple options to leverage a large variety of channels to put your most powerful testimonials front and center. Using the most effective channel to place an incredible customer experience story in front of the eyes of a future client can tip the scales in your favor, shifting the decision-making stage to a converted buyer.
Powerful Psychological Elements
Many business owners prefer tools like Mitto because they give them the edge from a psychological standpoint. The subconscious science of sales is the secret sauce to converting a browser into a buyer. There are several ways to craft your SMS campaigns in a way that will put you on the fast track to success. One method is to use emotions and pull on heartstrings. The wave of emotions a client experiences steadily leads them to a “yes” decision. Another approach is to leverage the power of scarcity via text marketing. Using product counts that notify shoppers of low inventory, and other similar strategies, creates urgency. And don’t forget colors, which play a huge role in the buying decision. Use the right placement in your campaigns to draw out the emotions and actions you’re looking for.
Understand the Science of Your Strategy
Breaking down the science of your conversational messaging strategies in comparison to the habits of your customers is ultimately what determines how successful you are. While older methods of advertising still have their place in the market, conversational messaging places the client front and center, allowing you to reach them in ways never before possible with old-school strategies