
Audit Of BMW S55 Engine-Problems And Features

Expecting that you’re enthusiastic about purchasing an S55 powered M2, M3, or M4 resolute quality is a huge point to consider. As M vehicles, they’re decidedly not the humble direct front. In this article, we will cover two or three ordinary issues and details with the BMW S55 engine. Regardless, assuming no one minds, recall – this isn’t a tiny smidgen a far-reaching once-over of each and every possible issue. All vehicles and engines will have issues ultimately. Hence in the event that your motor is requesting a substitution, we have the best utilized BMW s55 motors in our online stock.

BMW S55 Common Problems

  • Wrench Hub
  • Valve Cover and Valve Cover Gasket Leaks
  • Oil Pan Gasket Leaks
  • Oil Filter Housing Gasket Leaks

We’ll give additional information and assessment on these S55 issues under. Regardless, we should note – this post may be a piece inconvenient and a part of these typical S55 issues are speculations. For example, the S55 oil channel housing and gasket are definitively similar parts as used on the N54 and N55. It’s outstanding they are generally expected issues with those engines. In any case, the issues typically don’t jump up until 80,000+ miles. Actually, there aren’t enough S55 engines with this kind of mileage so it may not be a run of the mill issue yet. Nonetheless, it’s sensible likely right if a comparable arrangement is imperfect on more settled engines, these issues will presumably become typical on the S55 as it ages.

1. BMW S55 Crank Hub Issues

We should move this first. We scorn calling this a normal issue for quite a while. For one’s motivations, it’s really not a for the most part anticipated issue. This issue has been completely made an immense arrangement about. Regardless, there are a sufficient number of discussions concerning imperfect S55 wrench focus focuses that justifies diving into a piece further. We do agree – it’s a shame the S55 didn’t get a keyed wrench community from the modern office. Regardless, the S55 has comparative wrench place point parts as the N55 engine (a critical number of those parts are similarly bestowed to the N54). Get ready to be blown away. Without a doubt, the N54 and N55 can experience turned-wrench communities. Regardless, the issues are especially isolated and astounding.

As of now, the S55 makes 600+whp altogether less complex than the N54 and N55. The straightforwardness of making 600whp on the S55 may expect a section in why this has been advanced as a more typical issue on the S55. In any case, we wouldn’t stop our breathing even at those power levels. Grasp-turned-wrench communities can be an issue on the S55. In any case, don’t guess that the issue ought to happen (with the exception of assuming you’re basically one leaned to terrible karma). Without a doubt, even on the higher force, modded vehicles, turned wrench community focuses seem to occur on under 1% of S55 energized M2, M3, and M4’s.

Besides, it’s everything except an issue that warrants a great deal of stress to the point preventive updates are imperative. Generally, when the wrench place point turns it will lose engine arranging. You’ll basically need to address the situation and displace the wrench community point. In extremely exceptional cases, a turned wrench community may cause additional inside engine issues. Again, that is too unquestionably remarkable and will presumably potentially happen to expect you to continue driving and beating on the S55 with a by and large turned wrench community point.

2. BMW S55 Valve Cover and Valve Cover Gasket Oil Leaks

In like manner with the N54 and N55 – and most other current BMW engines – the S55 valve cover and gasket are leaned to breaking and spilling oil. The flexible valve cover gasket is leaned to ruining with age and mileage. Flexible gaskets presented to high temperatures and consistent warming/cooling cycles overall don’t hold up well. Eventually, the versatile gasket breaks which achieves oil slicks. The S55 valve cover gasket is unequivocally a similar part as found on the N55.

The plastic valve covers themselves are known to break, as well. It’s unquestionably suspicious than the gasket spilling oil. In any case, we energetically propose superseding the valve cover close by the gasket. That may be excessively abundance at every turn, yet as S55 engines turn over moving toward 100,000 miles it very well may be truly savvy to override the valve cover accepting the gasket is spilling regardless.

There have at this point been a great deal of occurrences of spilling valve cover gaskets on the S55. It’s not unlimited for the valve cover to begin spilling before 60,000 miles. Two of our N54’s made valve cover gasket spills when ~7 years old and ~75,000 miles. In any case, these oil slicks are for the most part ordinary around 80,000-100,000+ miles. We suspect after a short time we’ll be aware of progressively more valve cover district leaks.2. BMW S55 Valve Cover and Valve Cover Gasket Oil Leaks.

Reliability of BMW S55

In general, BMW’s S55 motor is really a great execution motor with strong dependability. Large numbers of the issues we’ve talked about all through the post aren’t really “normal issues” at this point. In any case, the three oil spills – valve cover gasket, oil skillet gasket, and oil channel lodging gasket – are altogether normal parts with the N54 or potentially N55. It’s reasonable to guess the S55 will also share those normal issues. In any case, large numbers of the oil spills create following 5-7 years and 80,000+ miles. There basically aren’t enough S55’s with that mileage to say how normal these issues will be. Regardless, assuming that you’re on the lookout for a drawn out S55 keep these issues in your sub-conscience. It’s conceivable you’ll run into somewhere around a couple of these oil spills before 100,000 miles.

Luckily, all of the above oil spills are modest gaskets. For the DIY swarm, they are somewhat simple fixes. Notwithstanding, they’re tedious so you ought to either go through a day or end of the week in the carport or dish out a good lump of cash for work. In any case, the BMW S55 motor is looking magnificent so far dependability astute. The reality of the situation will become obvious eventually if and when some other normal issues spring up on the S55 stage. In any case, at the present time, the S55 seems as though one amazing motor that can make 600+whp with essential bolt-ons and do as such with good dependability.

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